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At Calavera or Temple of Doom you have to jump three meter fully geared before you can start diving this spectacular cenote.

Name Dive Site:Calavera, Temple of Doom
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Calavera or Temple of Doom is not just an interesting "hole in the ground", but a cavern dive of a different type. To enter the water some courage is needed as the diver needs to jump 3m/10ft down or climb the steep ladder. The cavern area is a big room with a hill in the middle around which divers wind their way slowly up to the surface. Formations in this cenote are darker than in others and the halocline is stronger. There is a lot of light in the cavern and many fossils can be spotted. The most interesting part for a snorkel would be jumping from the ledge. Besides that is not a great place for it. Some of the best places inside the cenote are The Madonna passage, The Hall of Giant Rooms and the Coliseum Room and The Tanic domes circuit.

Half fresh water and half salt water. The limestone displays a snow white ambiance with crystal clear blue tint water. There are several large rooms and a variety of passageways with cave formations located in several areas. The original name is Cenote Esqueleto but somehow ended up being known as Calavera. The real Cenote Calavera is at System Camillo. It can be found just outside of Tulum 2 km away on the turn off to Coba.

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Name: lars, © Author: Lars Hemel

The Temple of Doom was a great cennote dive. You have to enter it by jumping from a height of 5 meters.  The cave system was narrower than other cennotes I have seen and much more grilly; resembling moon-like landscapes. The salt warm water at the bottom and sweet cold water on top created a murky layer, a window to another universe a mirror to another world. It was wicked, one of my best dives so far.

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